Xam Idea Class 12 Biology pdf
Xam Idea Class 12 Biology pdf Xam idea is a comprehensive exam preparation system for secondary and senior classes. It is strictly according to the latest revised CBSE syllabi and examination pattern. Knowledge-based questions – to know specific terms, concepts, identify, define information. High Order Thinking Skills-based questions to analyze, classify, compare, contrast, or differentiate between unique pieces of information from a variety of sources. Application-based questions to apply knowledge to new situations from abstract information in concrete situations
Xam Idea Class 12 Biology pdf Examination Papers
Xam Idea Class 12 Biology pdf Xam idea is a comprehensive exam preparation system for secondary and senior classes. It is strictly according to the latest revised CBSE syllabi and examination pattern. Knowledge-based questions – to know specific terms, concepts, identify, define information. High Order Thinking Skills-based questions to analyze, classify, compare, contrast, or differentiate between unique pieces of information from a variety of sources. Application-based questions to apply knowledge to new situations from abstract information in concrete situations
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Xam Idea Class 12 Biology pdf Xam idea is a comprehensive exam preparation system for secondary and senior classes. It is strictly according to the latest revised CBSE syllabi and examination pattern. Knowledge-based questions – to know specific terms, concepts, identify, define information. High Order Thinking Skills-based questions to analyze, classify, compare, contrast, or differentiate between unique pieces of information from a variety of sources. Application-based questions to apply knowledge to new situations from abstract information in concrete situations
The new Xam idea for Class XII Biology 2019–20 has been thoroughly revised, diligently designed, and uniquely formatted in accordance with CBSE requirements and NCERT guidelines.
The features of the new Xam idea are as follows:
1. The book has been thoroughly revised as per the new CBSE Examination Paper design.
2. The book is divided into two sections: Part–A and Part–B.
3. Part–A includes the following:
- (a) Each chapter is summarised in ‘Basic Concepts’.
- (b) Important NCERT Textbook and NCERT Exemplar questions have been incorporated.
- (c) Previous Years’ Questions have been added under different sections according to their marks.
- (d) Objective Type Questions have been included as per new CBSE guidelines. These include Multiple Choice Questions, Assertion-Reason Type Questions, True-False, Match the Columns and Fill in the Blanks.
- (e) At the end of every chapter, the Self-Assessment Test has been given to test the extent of grasp by the student.
4. Part–B includes the following:
- (a) CBSE Examination Paper, Delhi–2019 with a complete solution.
- (b) Unsolved Model Question Papers have been included for ample practice by the student.
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Xam Idea Class 12 Biology
The new Xam Idea for Class XII Biology 2020-21 has been thoroughly revised, diligently designed, and uniquely formatted in accordance with CBSE Examination requirements and NEW CBSE guidelines for the session 2020-2021.
How do you get full marks in biology?
Ans:- Getting into Full marks in CBSE 12th Biology exam here are 8 points that you should remember while starting your board exam class 12th biology exam :
- Start with basic concepts
- Make a study schedule
- Join a Tuition and institute for systematic preparation
- Revise the topics
- Time Management
- Get Rid Of Distraction
- Hard work vs Smartwork
- Determination and Consistency is the Key
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