The Environmental problems of Air pollution

The Environmental problems of Air pollution

Air pollution

(The Environmental problems of Air pollution) As an example of oil industry contamination and how it changes over time, BP total air data (all contaminated emissions, excluding carbon dioxide) significantly decreased by 5% in 2004 compared to 2003 (From 988 to 936 kilotonnes). These total contaminations in 2003 were 3% less than 1500 kilotonnes reported in 1999, 

Environmental control for heath processes

Of the total mass of BP contaminants released to air (with the exception of carbon dioxide), in 2004, 56% were related to the exploration and production (E & P) and 20% to refinement and diffusion [2]. The remaining 24% of the total mass of contaminants released into the operation-related air 

Oil industry

What is the oil industry? One way to answer this question is to examine the information published both in terms of its effect and its extent. Although published industrial information is not available globally, some factories are printing their information. The information provided in this chapter of the Environment Report 2004, BP [1] as part of a policy to improve the HSE performance of the company notice is published.

The environmental impacts of the oil industry


Methane is a hydrocarbon. The main impact of water as a greenhouse gas on global warming is 21 times higher than carbon dioxide. Methane pollution contributed 28% of BP contaminants (except carbon dioxide) to air in 2004, which was 258 kilotonnes. In the context of BP, methane originates primarily from exploration and production businesses, which account for 90% of total methane in 2004 (about 231 kt).

Filtration process

Uncontrolled hydrocarbon contaminants

Many industrial oil products are volatile. When exposed to air, some combinations of crude oil, gasoline and other fuels and many chemicals can evaporate. In addition, the gas can also be removed from the control process to maintain safety. Other safety equipment, such as flares, is used to burn additional hydrocarbons in the industry, but some hydrocarbons can be allowed to enter the atmosphere without being burnt. The industry contaminates these contaminants to minimize any loss of hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbon vapors are often referred to as volatile organic compounds and are considered to be hazardous air pollutants that can cause local health effects or pattern abnormalities to form low levels of ozone that may affect human health. To leave Control of the loss of hydrocarbons can reduce the impact on air quality, as well as economic benefits.

Introduction to industrial biofilms 

In 2004, 245 kilos of non-methane hydrocarbons were released to air, down from 24 kilos (9%) in 2003. The largest group of these air pollutants comes from exploration and production programs (44%), followed by refining and broadcasting (35%).

air pollution

The combined methane and nonmetallic hydrocarbon composition give the idea that airborne hydrocarbon pollutants come from industrial sectors. For BPs, exploration and production activities account for about 67% of the total volume of hydrocarbons released into the air in 2004.

Sewage Effects on Rivers

An example of air pollution control is the use of vapor recovery systems. This technology is associated with the accumulation and congestion of volatile hydrocarbons, recycle and fuel delivery to storage tanks. An example of improving the conditions in the exploration and production of vapor recovery systems have recently been installed in Scotland and Alaska in large crude oil tankers. In the field of BP compounds associated with the refining and vapor recovery systems, many have installed gasoline stations.

[1] International Ltd, Chertsey Road, Sunbury-on-Thames, Middlesex TW16 7LN, UK

[2] refining and marketing (R & M)

Air pollution, causes of air pollution, causes of pollution, effects of pollution, air pollution solutions, which causes air pollution, pollution problems, causes of air pollution in points, pollution issues
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